Turn Email into your #1 revenue driver

Let’s face it- email isnt super sexy. But when you do it right, email has the capacity to 40X your investment. There is NO MARKETING CHANNEL AS STRONG AS EMAIL- SO LETS MAKE YOURS WORK FOR YOU.

With our email marketing services, we’re dedicated to delivering strategies that help improve your email marketing strategy, campaigns and email automations, so email actually continuouslly churns out sales while you are doing other things in your business.

We have 3 packages to fit any budget- whether you want to learn and DIY or have someone do it for you.

package one: 1:1 strategy & audit



Sometimes you just don’t know, what you don’t know. You’re looking for someone to take a peek through your email “stuff” and provide feedback and recomendations on what to fix and how.

In this 60-minute 1:1 call we will go through any specific questions you haveand I’ll do a review and audit on things like:

  • email templates for your campaigns

  • email automations- whats not working with your automations and how to fix them

  • reviewing your email analytics and data- what can you do to make $$$ with email in your biz and what does your data say.

** I only offer these 1:1 sessions a few times per month so grab yours while it’s available

package TWO: partially done for you

Weekly “done for you” Email Templates -Membership

If you have no clue what to send to your email list each week, then this is perfect for you.

Email Society is a template-based membership where you receive access to a brand new *plug-and-play* email template/swipe copy each week directly in your inbox. We tell you what to say, you spend a few minutes personalizing your email, then send it off to your list.

All emails are created with nurturing and conversion as the goals.

Stop trying to figure out "what to send to my email list each week" we're doing allllll the leg work for you. 

Join for $15/a month

*cancel anytime.

package THREE do it yourself

Ecommerce Email Mastery Course

The PERFECT EMAIL MARKETING 101 COURSE, exclusively for product-biz folks.

A step-by-step system for  e-commerce businesses so you can finally MASTER EMAIL MARKETING and turn email into your #1 revenue driver.

from list building to mastering the art of making passive income through strategic automations, to knowing how to create weekly promotional campaigns and everything in between. Let's turn those emails into a revenue powerhouse! 💰📧

  1. Email Marketing Foundations. Anatomy of a converting email, create a winning template, case studies on Kodiak Cakes, Black Dog and our recommended email platforms.

  2. Campaigns & Automations- the money makers. Learn the 3 key types of emails you need to make money in your business, and a full breakdown of 3 key sequences- welcome sequence, post purchase and cart abandonment and the tools and templates to create yours

  3. Create & Set Up Your 3 Automations and Make $$ While You Sleep. Get the step-by-step walk through of how to create and set up your email automations in your fave email software.

  4. Grow Your Email List (without ads). Strategies to leverage the easiest ways to start growing that list! Case studies featuring Stanley, Rhode and Maddleboards

  5. Email Health- Metrics & Analytics. Five key email metrics you need to measure your email success and how to easily clean up your email list for optimal deliverability.

  6. Email Strategy- How to make $$$ from email. Create a solid strategy so you know how to actually make $$ continuously from email. Create your email marketing plan, and how to leverage AI and Chatgpt to help write content for you.

Investment: 4 payments of $50

Meet Your Mentor

Kerrie Fitzgerald

Author, Speaker, Marketing Ninja, Website Snob, and hot sauce connoisseur, who loves binging The Office and is a total marketing nerd.


In 2016, I birthed my brainchild, The Dapper Dog Box, conceived on a sunlit day in 2016 while at the gym. What started as a mere idea swiftly evolved into a multi-six-figure sensation, boasting a legion of devoted customers utterly enamored with my brand. The ripple effect was real—I found myself featured in illustrious publications like Buzzfeed, Forbes, Business Insider, and even made it onto Mariah Carey's Christmas gift list.

Having scaled the business to nearly $500,000 in sales within a mere 2 years, I made the strategic decision to sell the business! 

Now, armed with the knowledge that it's entirely possible to cultivate a brand that's not just captivating and special but also visible and beloved—without the need for ads or endless hours on Instagram or TikTok—I'm here to share that wisdom. Let's turn your digital presence into a force to be reckoned with, just as I've done before!

PS... I also wrote a book

I am SO Into spreading the knowledge on how to create. brand your customers are obsessed with, I also wrote a book about it. It’s one of my proudest achievements in the 8+ years I've been an entrepreneur. 

I cannot wait to help you!

grab a copy of Customer Obsession Book