The secret to growing your loyal & brand obsessed customers that shout your name from the rooftops and buy more from you, again & again

Customer Obsession teaches product-based entrepreneurs how to create wildly obsessed customer superfans, using proven strategies like creating an amazing customer experience, listening and knowing your customers, making them feel part of your brand and creating a sense of community. Lots of people talk about creating loyalty within your brand, but no one tells you how.


With this book, you’ll have more than just the tools to grow your e-commerce store without a penny spent on ads or spending all day on social media- you’ll have the blueprint to create create loyalty with your customer so they shout your name from the rooftops and buy from you over and over again.


You'll Learn To:


1. Create an insanely great customer experience so buy from you again and again, and your brand comes first to mind when they need a gift.


2. How to get your customers to feel connected to your brand- treat them like a human and not a dollar bill.


3. Create the “happy customer” effect which leads to more sales and customer loyalty


Hey I'm Kerrie 

Enneagram 3, marketing ninja, host of the 6 Figure Product Business Podcast, crazy dog lady, lover of hot sauce, cold brew coffee, boymom and The Office, speaker & first time business book author #pinchme

After creating a multi 6 figure e-commerce brand {and selling it in 2019}

I love teaching people like you grow your e-commerce brand without relying solely on ads or spending all your time on Instagram. With the right visibility & stronger marketing, you can have the product business of your dreams.

Complete beginner, or e-commerce brand ninja, by the end of Customer Obsession, you’ll know exactly what it takes to create your customer obsessed superfans for your business. Customer loyalty is real and attainable for everyone, even you.

Are you ready to join the movement?

“Customer Obsession is jam packed with actionable knowledge in a quick-read format that is easy to digest! Whether you are scaling or in early days of building your brand, you will absolutely have takeaways that you can apply to improve your business & customer experience. Highly recommend getting your hands on this book!

-Kristin Fisher

CEO - Bocu Box

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