GET YOUR WEBSITE READY TO FRIKKEN CRUSH YOUR SALES. A bad website = shitty sales for you.


GET YOUR WEBSITE READY TO FRIKKEN CRUSH YOUR SALES. A bad website = shitty sales for you. 〰️


The Winning Website Converter



This self paced online course will help you turn your website BROWSERS into BUYING CUSTOMERS so you get sales rolling in every day just by increasing your website conversion rate {without any additional marketing or driving any new traffic)

 After all, if visitors don’t buy, then you’re not making any money!

Here is a sobering fact you need to know:

The average eCommerce conversion rate across all industries is only 1-3%, that means if you you drive 100 people to your store, only 1-2 PEOPLE will buy. 

IMPROVING YOUR conversion rates (EVEN A LITTLE BIT) can mean the difference between making a PROFIT and your store FAILING.

You're spending SO much time trying to dive traffic to your website, only for 99% of them to not buy (and probably head over to Amazon)


1. What if you could start having people  buy from you immediately, every time they landed on your website


2. What if you had the confidence in your website because your conversion rate was SO solid you could expect to wake up every day with a new Shopify "cha ching" notification of new sales


3. What if you never have to spend a million dollars with web dev again

How would you feel when all of this happens for you? NO more relying on Etsy for all your sales....

WHAT IF you were given the exact blueprint to improve the customer experience on your website – which in turn will increase your website conversion rate and help you sell more products!

so you could

  • Reduce all those pesky website decisions ( What do I fix, How to fix it, Who do I hire)

  • Create an incredible customer experience so people are dying to whip out their credit cards and buy your products

  • Not have to spend a million dollars with web developers

  • overwhelm Avoid making expensive mistakes with website developers

  • Feel PROUD AF to show off your gorgeous website


why would you settle for a shitty one?

You can literally drive alllll the traffic in the world, but if your website’S CONVERSION ISN’T WORKING, you will get no sales



The Winning Website Converter



This self paced mini course will help you turn your website BROWSERS into BUYING CUSTOMERS so you get sales rolling in every day just by increasing your website conversion rate {without any additional marketing or driving any new traffic)

 After all, if visitors don’t buy, then you’re not making any money! You + The Wining Website Bootcamp = everything you need to improve your website conversion and therefore drive in more sales

Join today and dive in!

what you’ll learn

Lesson 1- How To Position Your Products To Be Irresistible

One of the BIGGEST mistakes I see online shops making is that you’re trying to sell your products by focusing ONLY on features but you are missing the most important thing- what problem does your product solve? How does it make them feel after they use your product?-That is the secret sauce to selling a physical product. We dive into your transformational sell (where you focus on selling the transformation your product does and the solution it creates). Let’s make your product & brand the STAR & HERO.

  • Get clear on your product solution and why people need it 

  • Essential ways to build trust

  • lifestyle images & product photography

Lesson 2- The Winning Website Layout 

Your website is the ENGINE of your business. This is where you turn visitors into paying customers. We want to design beautiful website pages that convert customers with ease and build enough trust so they feel confident whipping out their credit card to pay you.

  • Website Home Page Wireframes & Formats ( what every home page needs, and how to build it)

  • Menu & navigation formatting to make ti easy for people to find your product easily

Lesson 3- The Perfect Product Page

Your product pages are the most essential parts of your website. You need to convey the solution your product solves, in addition to making your product seem IRRESISTIBLE. Product photos, product descriptions play a key part in your conversion. Let’s create impeccable product photography and story-telling infused descriptions that sell for you. 

  • Best practices (descriptions, images, layout, buttons)

  • Copywriting tips & scripts to plug & play

  • How to persuade customers to buy

  • Examples of amazing product pages

Lesson 4Conversion Boosters

There are lots of easy things you can implement to not only make more money pear sale but get them to come back again and again with ease.

  • Best apps to increase average order value, upsells & cross-sells, and boost conversions. 

  • Identify problem areas that are leading to customer abandonment.

  • Nail your checkout page to maximize conversions and not repel people off

You before this program

  • Stuck staring at your website for hours unsure what to tweak

  • Considering expensive website make overs with agencies but worried about the cost

  • Lacking in clear direction on how to fix your sales

  • Worried about how to generate cash from the stock you already have

You After this program

  • Exact strategies to fix your website design and conversion

  • Knowledge of ways you can entice more sales on your website

  • Bright ideas on how to use social proof to sell for you

  • A clear understanding of the steps to get your new strategies implemented

Having Kerrie on my side as a coach has been phenomenal!

She's super hands on and she would give direct feedback on what to change on different things. I loved Working with Kerrie in the Cultish Product program and I know you will too. It was such a fun experience.”

- Yill, Luminosa Vida

The value is incredible...

It's an incredible purchase for just the modules alone and on top of that getting Kerries coaching, calls and 1:1 support - it’s one of the best programs out there for growing your business organically.”

- Liz, High Tail Hikes

Kerrie wants to see you succeed! 

I wanted to scale my business and I found Kerrie to do that. If you're looking for a program to help you grow your business without social media, I highly highly recommend it. Kerrie will give you everything & more to help you succeed. ”

- Lyndi, Shop Para Ti

The amount of detail that's she's gone into is incredible- 5 Stars!

I love being on social media but i'd rather not be dependent on social media for sales, In Cultish Product Kerrie helped me get customers from other platforms like email marketing, and customer loyalty programs. ”

- Allie, Pseudo Force Studio

Her Mastermind (The Cultish Product) was amazing!

Honestly there is no other program like The Cultish Product out there. The things inside, no one else is teaching. Kerrie talks about a slew of effective strategies that you can implement in your business that will take you off the hamster wheel of social media. ”

- Lindsey, Weathered Wood Home

Meet Your Mentor

Kerrie Fitzgerald

Author, Speaker, Marketing Ninja, Website Snob, and hot sauce connoisseur, who loves binging The Office and is a total marketing nerd.


In 2016, I birthed my brainchild, The Dapper Dog Box, conceived on a sunlit day in 2016 while at the gym. What started as a mere idea swiftly evolved into a multi-six-figure sensation, boasting a legion of devoted customers utterly enamored with my brand. The ripple effect was real—I found myself featured in illustrious publications like Buzzfeed, Forbes, Business Insider, and even made it onto Mariah Carey's Christmas gift list.

Having scaled the business to nearly $500,000 in sales within a mere 2 years, I made the strategic decision to sell the business! 

Now, armed with the knowledge that it's entirely possible to cultivate a brand that's not just captivating and special but also visible and beloved—without the need for ads or endless hours on Instagram or TikTok—I'm here to share that wisdom. Let's turn your digital presence into a force to be reckoned with, just as I've done before!

PS... I also wrote a book

I am SO Into spreading the knowledge on how to create. brand your customers are obsessed with, I also wrote a book about it. While this book is totally different than the Cultish Product program, it is one of my proudest achievements in the 7+ years I've been an entrepreneur. 

I cannot wait to help you create your cult-like brand inside Cultish Product